Thank you for the politics overview, billytea! Kind of nice to realize the crazy isn't just national.
ETA: What Karl said, Sue.
And oh, Jess, I'm with you in spirit. Thanks for sharing that view.
ETA2: We've been having a little cold snap following the spell of heat and beige air. We keep the thermostat at 64F, and the heat just kicked in. I've been dreaming of October--is this it?
- set up bill pay for Sept
- update budget
- list some things on ebay
- hang up clothes in room
- make list of home repairs that need to get done
- lunch with parents
- sweep & mop
- mail off very late cards - got 2 of three ready, need address for the 3rd.
- pack up 2 boxes I have to mail ready to mail - 1 packed
- wash the slipcovers - they are in dryer on air fluff to get off pet hair before washing
- clean the kitten kennel
- wash & vacuum car
- load of laundry
- sweep the mudroom
- clean kitchen counters - half done
- go through garbage bag full of paper
- make coffee for Monday
I keep adding things to the list rather than doing things originally on list!
Yeah, that's a hazard. I make lists, too, because there's stuff I just don't want to do, and there's a better chance I'll do it if it's written down. But once I get started on tasks, I tend to pick up wherever I am when I finish a task and do that thing, whether it's on the list or not. Creative procrastination on getting done the things I just don' wanna.
Speaking of which, I should get off the couch and go consolidate all the trash cans and clean out the freezer and take out the damn garbage. Bets on whether or not that happens?
closet Kiwi
Ha! It sounds like the writing staff for Dynasty are in control of Australian politics.
Making lists is the fun part! And the longer it takes to make the list, the longer you can put off doing the things!
Jess, I wouldn't want to leave there either!
I'm putting off some onerous tasks right now. I need to get off the sofa.
I'm trying to become a responsible functional adult but it's really hard.
First opinion poll is in after the Friday putsch. The government has fallen another 5 points against Labor, who now lead 56-44. The opposition leader, Bill Shorten, is now preferred Prime Minister over ScoMo, 39-33. Turnbull at least consistently won that one, even if the electorate wished he was leading a different party.
Making lists is the fun part! And the longer it takes to make the list, the longer you can put off doing the things!
My whole worldview is changed by this knowledge.
I got a pedicure this morning and already chipped it or just rubbed some off the edge (possibly putting my sandals on at the time). Do you think if I go in there tomorrow, they'd let me fix it?