aurelia - I just got a semi-colon appreciation society pin via wordnik and would be happy to send it to you.
hope everyone feels better. I was gonna go to church, but I think my eyes still look crazy and I have petroleum jelly all over them, so I slept in and am lounging all day.
I would like another week off.
I am also motivating to try and sell a few things while I continue to uncontrollably ascribe to retail therapy.
Belinda's head as a candleholder, that'd freak me out though.
Equal chances of the fringe catching fire or Belinda blowing the candle out herself?
Well, I put in a call to the med helpline, should be getting a call back soon. Tender in the vicinity of my gallbladder and the vice grip pain around the lower ribs is back. Don't know if it is er worthy, but this will help me decide whether to head down the street to the er or not.
Probably gallstones, can follow up with regular dr/clinic unless it gets worse or I get a fever. Gnyeh.
aurelia - I just got a semi-colon appreciation society pin via wordnik and would be happy to send it to you.
That would be amazing! Thanks!
sarameg, that sounds like it needs attention of some sort. (x-post)
Skippy McSkipperson for like 770 posts....
I've been online but not here. I'm still very much in a mood to talk politics and strategy and I didn't want to bum out any of the Buffistas who were wanting a place to get away from that.
Gah, sarameg. I had a couple gallstone attacks and that was it for me. I looked into options but the pain was so paralyzingly bad that I knew I couldn't work if I got an attack at work. So I had my gallbladder taken out. No ER visit, thankfully. I hope the attacks let up for you and that you find a treatment option you like.
Today's another day of trying to make myself study chem like crazy. I have a "quiz" on Tuesday. Our quizzes are like tests, our tests are like finals, and our final is likely to be like something Torquemada devised.
Oh no, Sara! Here's hoping they can fix you up quick.
I just requested inauguration tickets from my 2 Senators and my Representative. Hope I get them so I can not use them and diminish the attendance by 2.
If you are sitting on your butt in front of your computer, you can do it too, just emails or forms, takes 30 seconds.
Is there any talk of such action on Pantsuit Nation or the other secret groups?
Is there any talk of such action on Pantsuit Nation or the other secret groups?
This is the first I've heard of that. Pretty ingenious.
I have vacuumed. Gosh, the amount of dirt and dust that built up in a month. But then, it was moving in lots of stuff, with attendant dust. So obviously something to do every week to keep up with this. Ah, this grown-up life.