I am not doing great on my list. BUT, I did clean out the kitten's litter box and I went block walking for my State Rep, so I added things to my list.
- finish making dinner and EAT
- pay bills
- wash the rest of the dishes
Maybe tonight, maybe this weekend
- list some things on ebay
- hang up clothes in room
- make list of home repairs that need to get done
- go see parents (Saturday)
- sweep & mop
- clean bathroom
- cancel the 2 credit cards I'm not using
- mail off very late cards - got 2 of three ready, need address for the 3rd.
- pack up 2 boxes I have to mail - maybe get them mailed
- wash the slipcovers
Glad to hear it, Sue!
I have been doing the same job for 15 years, I have connections all around the university, and I understand the university system, all of which are not true for my replacement.
That part at least is definitely going to be true for anyone (trying to) replace you. All anyone can do about that is give them time and a chance to get there. And I'm sure you're the best possible resource! (I say this as the new person working under someone who has been in the job for 15 years and knows everything and everyone, and damn, it still feels like it's taking forever to be up to speed.)
News is reporting the McCain has passed. My list of issues with him was long, but he was an actual lifelong public servant and patriot. I miss that.
Hey, folks.
I'm having a kind of rough weekend. I don't need an intervention or anything -- not a danger to myself or anyone else.
I'm just tired, and weepy, and scared. And part of letting go of that bit of "cultural masculinity" is admitting when you're not at 110%, right? Not having to be ok all the time?
I don't need anything from any of you, except that you keep on being my friends on the other side of the glowing box. My lovely friends who have seen me through so much.
So I am going to catch up on the backscroll in Natter, and just surround myself with your comforting voices and words. And like as not, I'll feel better after a few hours, or in the morning, or sometime soon.
But right now, I am not ok, so I am going to seek comfort in the words of my friends.
Love to you, Karl. I'm sorry you're having a rough time of it right now. It is absolutely OK not to be OK for a while.
Lots of stuff is pretty miserable, Karl. It's totally understandable.