Working from home today. I went in to mac's room to check the state of things. Window screen in his bathroom. Window screens are on the outside of the windows and we have never taken our off. So clearly he has been sneaking out.
I texted him and said to put it back and no more sneaking out.
Which I thought was pretty calm and elevated and not a rant.
But nooooo he has to come back with "that things been broken for months". As if a broken screen from the OUTSIDE would somehow on its own end up in his bathroom. For fucks sake.
His failure to recognize that I am the more conniving and sneaky of us is his downfall.
And he is deactivating his locator app on his phone, so I guess we have to have a proper talk.
My real guess is that he and his friends are either all smoking or all smoking pot.
As if a broken screen from the OUTSIDE would somehow on its own end up in his bathroom.
God, it just fell backwards! You're so mean, with your physics and stuff.
Ugh, he's lying like a White House official. Sorry for all the stress, msbelle.
Ugh, sorry msbelle. I apologized countless times to my mother for being such a beast in my teens. She was more gracious than I deserved in her forgiveness. But yeah, there wasn't any caper my kids tried to pull that I wasn't several steps ahead of them. Beasts.
I am just so over it. Like dude - 1 MORE YEAR. That's it. You can follow the rules and basically do what you want, or you can do this shit and lose your phone and the car.
Of course the point also being it isn't his phone or his car! So your rules, not his. Also, big hugs.
{{{msbelle}}} ltc is also being difficult today.
Huh I thought I posted.
One mystery solved, he is currently at work, or at least the car is. So I don't have to keep driving around trying to figure out where he is.
Timelies all!
We got back last night.(around 9) Still adjusting to the time change. Mr. S was difficult a lot this trip. Thank goodness for licensed child care at the con.
So this week has been wild. After saying the battery needed to be replaced in my dad's pacemaker/defibrillator before my dad could have the gall bladder out, the cardiologist has now decided that his heart had stabilized enough to go on with the surgery and that the pacemaker had enough juice to last for a couple of months. So my dad's scheduled (again) for gall bladder surgery tomorrow. All this backing and forthing makes me wonder about the doctor's judgement, but the surgeon is apparently very cautious and agrees with the cardiologist. So that's something. Anyway please send some surgery_ma my dad's way tomorrow.