I've been trying to find a stylist for a while. My hair had grown out to mid-back, with occasional trimming of the ends. Simpler that way, cheaper and easier to maintain. But a change in thyroid meds meant I've been shedding like a cat at the vet and I was tired of finding snarls of long hair everywhere, of having to put it up, and anchor the weight carefully to avoid triggering migraine. So, the search for a stylist. And pictures online of cuts I could live with. Social anxiety kept me hesitating at A. meeting and putting myself in the hands of a stranger, and B. trying to explain what I wanted, even with the help of pictures.
Stripped, and putting hair up so I could hop in the shower Monday, I looked in the mirror and went 'fuckit,' pulled the hair shears out of the drawer and whacked a foot off the length, then grabbed handfuls at a time, cutting off the ends beyond my fingers' grasp. H finished up the back neckline.
It feels like a deep breath, a shedding of old depression and the tension of being coiled and waiting for bad news. The news has landed, is as bad as anticipated, but there are things to do, now. So, new hair.
H and I spent a lovely day of amazing food and wonderful conversation with neighbors and friends yesterday. It's been bucketing rain for days, but today dawned sunny. More rain is coming, so we're taking the day to drive around in the sun, assiduously avoiding all commercial centers and as much traffic as possible.
And then, we buckle down and find out where we can be the most effective, and get to work.
Timelies all!
Had a PT session at 8 this morning. Am now at Chessiecon, so I can relax.(other than chasing after Mr. S)
A long time mentor and friend of mine is starting a website to prevent the normalization of the Trump presidency and upcoming administration decisions/policies. He is looking for content contributors.
Volans, would it be okay to share the link? I belong to a FB group that has a few journalists and essayists among its members, and there may be people there who could contribute.
OMG, I am spending so much money on my damn cat. But she threw up blood this morning, so back to the vet it was, for more blood work and meds and etc. She was Not Happy. And I'll be slightly crabby if the blood work shows everything normal.
Jesse my cat Clio would throw up blood if she ate grass.
I am now feeding my cat duck and pea formula wet food in an attempt to see if he's allergic to his cat food. I also bought (canned) salmon for him tonight as I cycle through tasty, smelly food I can hide a pill in. Just looking at tinned fish made me nauseated. The things I do for this cat.
She's currently transitioning to the venison and pea dry food because same. I think the blood was just from the chronic vomiting that's been going on forever, because I'm 90% sure she hasn't eaten anything that wasn't in her bowl.
Oh, no, Jesse. Poor kitty.
I hope you are enjoying the sun and your shorter hair, Beverly!
Napped say most of the afternoon. I probably needed the sleep, really, so I am trying not to feel guilty about not doing something useful today.
I had planned to put up mom's tree today and decorate it, but since being here I realize it would be in the way with dad's PT.
So boss lady was supposed to meet me at my location to do some training this morning. On her way, she calls me to tell me that there has been a medical emergency at one of the other houses and she's going to be late. So of course I understand, and say, "I hope whoever is on the mend soon."
"That's the thing. They didn't make it. And the house coordinator here has known that person for thirty years. I'm staying to comfort her."
Later on, after bosslady came for a whirlwind half hour, she got a phone call during the course of which her jaw drops. Her responses to whomever is on the other end were fairly non-commital, and because of confidentiality rules, there are some things that I am not entitled to know so I do not ask. However, I remembered that some aspects of confidentiality rules evaporate after a person's death, so I was just working up the nerve to ask the name of the person (I have met the people who live at that house at various events, so I was curious), when bosslady gets off the phone and says, "They got a pulse. There is no way of knowing yet if it will last, but they managed to resuscitate the person."
My jaw drops.
And I say, "And just when I was about to ask who it was. Good thing I didn't before."