I can't believe I'm about to say this, and it might be the only time in my life I'm going to say it, but: I have a migraine, and I'm actually thrilled about it. Because my migraines are all right-sided, and a lot of the pain is behind my cheekbone and in my upper teeth.
Well, that's exactly where I had my root canal procedure redone 2 weeks ago (upper right molar), and when the pain started yesterday, I really thought it was that tooth, especially because I remembered that the endodontist had said that there was a possibility the tooth root was cracked and the tooth would need to be pulled. So I was worried it was the tooth and that it would need to be pulled.
But it's pretty damn clear today that it's a migraine, because I have ALL the symptoms, not just the ones that center around my upper teeth. So, you know, damn the migraine, but also yay, migraine!
(We leave for vacation Friday, and I almost always get a migraine right before vacation. I think it's the stress of planning/cleaning/packing. Still, it's annoying as hell. And yet, not my root-canaled tooth, so again, yay.)