Thing is I don't think warm wine is a good plan and anything not chilled will be warm at an outdoor event in Florida in July.
Red wine "cellar temperature" is 65F, max, so definitely support Chilling All The Things. If it's possible, take the red out of the chiller about 15 minutes early and it will be perfect.
Sounds like a good plan, Laura. If people want room temperature red they can let their glass warm up for a bit before drinking, right?It's nice to have both shapes of glasses, especially if you are doing a specific champagne toast.
I don't think you need a room-temperature red for an outdoor wedding in Florida in July. Unless you happen to know there will be a guest there who only drinks non-chilled red wine AND you want to accommodate that guest's preferences (otherwise, that guest can have iced tea/water/Coke and then have red wine when they get home and they'll live).
Then for the plastic wine glasses I have to decide on wine glass shaped, champagne flute shaped, or both.
Will there be a bartender, or is it self-serve? Because, honestly, if it's self-serve, I'd go with just the wine glasses. If you have both types and it's self-serve, it's entirely possible that people will ignore the champagne flutes.
If there's a bartender, then get both, because the bartender will know to put champagne in the flutes and wine in the wine glasses.
Planning on self serve, but there will likely be a young person manning the area to be helpful. I may get the flutes for the toast, which may be the only vino many people have.
Yeah, if they have to have room temp booze they can bring their flask with them.
Scott Pruitt resigned. Buh-bye.
About time, but ridiculous that it took Laura Ingraham calling him the swamp to make it happen.
So I finalized the wine order. Three lovely beverage dispensers with ice cores, plastic varieties of wine glasses, and booze. For the dryer red going with a Pinot Noir that is supposed to be excellent chilled. A Sangria that I can put a bunch of fruit slices and stuff in to look pretty. A Pinot Grigio for the white. A nice cheap Prosecco for the champagne because half the people don't even drink the toast champagne and those of us that like the stuff will have it in mimosas with any leftover bottles.
Done! Now I just have to make my dress. And finish configuring the camera booth stuff and video display stuff.
Sounds perfectly, Laura!
I'm at Mom's for the annual birthday vacation. Unfortunately I'm also having a pain flare. At least mom and stepdad can take care of ltc for a couple of days.
I don't know how I would have survived toddlerhood without extra hands.