Mac is getting dreads started in his hair today.
Fun! My son Brendon had a couple for a while and his hair is barely wavey. The Rastafari branch of my family all have dreads and they have a variety of hair types. Their biggest issue seems to be weight after a while. My SIL has absurd amounts of hair and has no choice but to chop it off to butt length on a regular basis because it is just too heavy. Her DH hasn't cut his hair in ~40 years, but his is much thinner and he just keeps it in a cap most of the time.
Good news: Rescuers found a group of Thai boys and their coach who had gone missing 9 days ago. They were exploring a cave system that flooded. Everyone was still alive.
That IS good news!
I am empty nested! Brendon moved into his own apartment yesterday. He had nothing but an air mattress in the place at the moment, but he stayed there last night. His days off are tomorrow and Wednesday so we'll go a thrifting.
That is also good news!
I have done my first piece of the two main things I need to work on this week, so that's good. I should clean up my to-do list this afternoon, at least, but will I? Meh.
Two huge bags went out to ThredUP today. We took a bag of clothes for a Stitch to vw on Saturday, another two bags of stuff that are already too small for Stitch are heading to a cousin who is about to have her second girl. Another bag has been put aside for my cousin's baby boy, mostly of baby toys. And there are a couple of boxes of stuff that need to be donated. Project clean up the house is back on.
Man, I need to clean out my closet in a big way.
My parents are on the ground is Dallas, but departure has been pushed an hour already. I'm hoping to swim, but between the heat & the guard shortage this week, might be at capacity.
Man, I need to clean out my closet in a big way.
Replace closet with house and Steph is me.
Let's not talk about the 100 lbs TV that's been on my living room floor for two years.
Oh, the house needs a big ol' purge. But the closet has gotten more urgent because I bought a new skirt (yes, this was really kicked off by just one little ol' skirt) and can't fucking fit it in there. Plus I have no more skirt hangers. (And yet, there are probably 5-7 skirts in there that I don't wear, and getting rid of them would [1] make room, and [2] free up a skirt hanger.)
And who knows? If I clean out the closet, maybe it will spread to the house.
Let's not talk about the 100 lbs TV that's been on my living room floor for two years.
I have an ancient air conditioner like that.
There is so much in our house I would get rid of if I could.
Man, I need to clean out my closet in a big way.
Replace closet with house and Steph is me.
I've been going through and culling SO MUCH stuff. 1) For the upcoming yard sale, and 2) because we're planning on selling this place and moving by November. I started on the Storage Room o' Doom yesterday. I now have 12 giant ziplock storage bags for the yard sale ALONE.