That's awesome, Strix.
I have to make sure not to totally waste the three days I'm in the office this week. I don't have a ton that needs to get done, but more than nothing, and it already seems like it will be real easy to just hang around and chat about vacations -- everyone is either just back or on their way out, it feels like.
I decided to go ahead and take the 4th off and the 5th and 6th too. Maybe I can catch up on some projects.
Happy birthday week, sj!
Yay for sleep, Strix!
Missed my chance to go to the Longwood Gardens fireworks show last night (with fellow Buffy fans, from the old Bronze: Beta board) because the car was acting up on the way home from work. Running the A/C is apparently not going to work when it's this hot ... which is the reason for A/C. Ugh. I'm going to get to work today a dripping mess of sweat.
But on Saturday morning Catherine and the production team in the kitchen sang the Marseillaise before the French match started, and that was fun. And then France won! So all was
at the bakery.
It's too hot.
Yay Strix! Good sleep makes such a big difference in one's life.
Congratulations, Strix!
Yay birthday week!
Doing nothing with the three days I'm in the ofice this week sounds AWESOME. This huge cup of coffee is no substitute for the nap I really want (I don't really want a nap, I want to still be asleep. I was having vivid and almost coherent dreams about convincing the US to bail out of capitalism - not restful and not satisfying to wake up from)
I am in office only two days this week! I'm very excited about that.
This article made me side eye so hard. I totally understand and respect being stealth whenever you need. But REPUBLICAN?? Are you ducking kidding me?
Good news: Rescuers found a group of Thai boys and their coach who had gone missing 9 days ago. They were exploring a cave system that flooded. Everyone was still alive.
That is beautiful news, Dana.
I am empty nested! Brendon moved into his own apartment yesterday. He had nothing but an air mattress in the place at the moment, but he stayed there last night. His days off are tomorrow and Wednesday so we'll go a thrifting.