Seems cooler here today than yesterday, but I'm going into the city for a spa day with friends. Can't figure out what kind of jacket to bring for later.
I have hiked, done pushups and crunches, vacuumed, cleaned the kitchen, and folded laundry. That's enough for the day, right?
Thank you for your protest story, Andi. I'm not being a good activist, other than giving money. Really should have gone to the protest yesterday, but instead I did laundry and made tapioca pudding and watched Steven Universe.
I have done a barely adequate job of painting my toes, now on to baking.
The heat index here is 105. Fortunately I got to spend 4 hours of today in an air-conditioned car dropping the kids off at camp (where there is no AC, but it's up in the mountains and there's a lake to jump in), and now am back in my extremely quiet air-conditioned house. TOO quiet.
Trying to decide if I want to grill tonight or just eat ice cream for dinner, because there is no way in hell I am turning on the oven.
103 degrees F here. This is ridiculous, I want to speak to a manager.
Relatively cool here today, at least so far.
The Solano County Fair is kind of small and sad compared to Sonoma
It's 82 here. Next weekend we break 100.
So, I'm trying to pay my CC bill online and after I log in a page asking me to review and confirm my contact info comes up. The info shown is from 1993. I actually get statements mailed to my current address so WTF?
I swam @druid in the morning, ran a few errands that included getting 4 pints of gelato & 3 deli salads because I hadn't eaten yet & knew I needed fuel NOW before I started cleaning. (I just ate the salads. One was...edible but weird: kale & blueberries & walnuts & sweet pickled onions.) Cleaning in this weather is awful. Woulda skipped but parents come tomorrow night.
My trashcan is crazy full because in getting my kitchen decent with the impetus of their visit, found & tosses a shitton of expired stuff. I need to make that happen less.
Discovered my ACs are on same circuit & they don't like that in this weather (fine last year, but it was milder.) So now they're not, but I have no idea which outlets I can use my hair drying & vac while running ac! Project for while parents are here: map the damn circuits, because current box is full of lies. And get a long extension cord, because I'm probably going to need it for the hairdryer...
My poor parents are going to melt.
I think this whole week should just be a holiday. So I can get some shit done. I probably need to present a different reason to get any buy in from my employer.
We had a heat index of 112° yesterday and 114° today. Do Not Want.
I took Mom out to a neighboring small town for lunch at a Mexican place today. We discovered we each liked the other's food better (tacos al pastor were too spicy for her; beef and chicken taquitos and quesadillas were too bland for me). Then I went into a nap-coma from 3 to 9, so getting back to sleep tonight may be a challenge.