I already felt shitty about the SCOTUS yesterday with all of Gorsuch's rulings. Fucker. I'll never not be bitter about that.
Surprisingly, Kennedy's news just makes me feel ragey and defiant. Nobody's going to save us. We've got to save ourselves.
You know what was a bigger climb? The Civil Rights movement. It's doable. You can fight with all the government apparatus and justice and social order turned against you.
Maybe karma will finally kick in and Clarence Thomas will die.
Not while Trump's in office, please. I don't need a younger asshole in there.
Dems have to use every single tactic possible to keep Trump for replacing Kennedy. I am just sick about this. I don't care if we go 2 years with a short court. Let them tie.
Only 50 votes are needed to replace Kennedy. There's no filibuster. There's nothing Dems can do to stop this on procedure.
In lighter news - I've had my phone plugged into my charger on my desk all day, but the charger not plugged into anything. SUCH COMPETENCE
I'm having a lot of feelings about Letter from Birmingham Jail and the white moderate this week.
Kennedy's in his 80s. We knew this in 2016 and a bunch of people voted for Jill Stein, wrote in a protest vote for Bernie, or abstained. The Stein margin in MI would have made the difference for Clinton carrying the state, and the vote was darned close elsewhere, too. I can't insist that Kennedy should die in office because we can't get our electoral shit together.
I thought that announcement wasn't going to come until the end of the week!
Happy birthday, JZ!
Glad BatCat is vaccinated, Shir, and thank you for your inspiring words, eeven though you probably didn't say it to be inspiring.
I am going to dance on Mitch McConnell's grave.
It will be crowded with people dancing, including me.
Oh, and in order to use my rage, I donated $200 to the Great Slate, which is a bunch of progressive democrats running in previously uncontested districts.
Yeah, I donated to CAIR. It seems like a better option than paralyzing despair.
Thanks for posting that, I didn't know about them.
I've spent a lifetime being steadfastly optimistic in the face of inevitable disaster, but recent history has changed me into a bitter realist with a lack of confidence in her fellow citizens' ability to make rational decisions.
Same here, Laura. I don't like feeling so cynical, but my well of optimism is running dry.
Surprisingly, Kennedy's news just makes me feel ragey and defiant. Nobody's going to save us. We've got to save ourselves.
Yep. Maybe we'll get some assistance from a select few in Congress who may find their spines, but I'm not counting on it.
Only 50 votes are needed to replace Kennedy. There's no filibuster. There's nothing Dems can do to stop this on procedure.
All it takes is two Republican Senators to refuse to fall in line. Just two.
I'm trying real hard not to say nasty things to the people I know who protest-voted. I bet they can imagine it without me saying it, though. Not like they care, even now.