So sorry for your loss, Shrift. And glad you're ok, Karl. How frightening!
We're traveling in Texas with my parents, brother, wife and my niece. We stayed at a lovely airbnb with a pool in San Antonio. Yesterday we drove to the coast near my family's hometown to look into selling property my dad has here. It's a pretty stressful trip for a number of reasons. My dad has Parkinson's and it's hard for him to get around and it increases his anxiety. Fun. Anyway, there aren't many places to stay near the town where the property is but we found a place to rent about 20 minutes away and we got here yesterday. It was ok. Lovely view of the Bay. Less than ideal a.c. and some other issues. Then Bob and I were out at the store last night and my brother called to say they found a scorpion on the porch. A bit later my sister in law was taking a shower and there was a scorpion in there. Aieeeeeeee. So we scrambled and found a hotel and we're moving there today. And I just can't wait to be home and that won't happen until Saturday night.