Y'ALL. The tooth~ma worked! After looking at the x-rays, the endodontist was leaning towards one of the tooth roots being cracked (I clench and grind my teeth like crazy and REALLY need to get a night guard), but he went ahead and started the procedure as if it was just a regular re-do of a root canal procedure, so he cleaned out the old stuff and looked at what was going on in there. Once he did all that, he said that it actually looked fine, so he could just proceed with the re-do.
I mean, a root canal procedure is never an ideal way to spend an afternoon (or $700), but it's better than having a tooth pulled and then spending a goddamn fortune on an implant.
That's some seriously powerful ~ma y'all got going there.
And now I have to think of what I can have for dinner that's soft yet protein-y. I'm thinking a burrito bowl with refried beans and guac. Maybe an egg on top.
Yay Steph's tooth!
Yay ltc swimming!
(The only time I ever fell asleep on the public bus as a little kid was after swimming at day camp one summer. It all worked out! I've never been a napper.)
Well, shit. I just found out that my cousin died yesterday. He was only 43 and nobody in my family knows what happened. We're trying to get in contact with my uncle to find out.
We weren't close. But I'm stunned.
Oh, shrift, that's awful! I'm so sorry.
Oh that is so young; I'm sorry shrift.
Oh, shrift, I'm so sorry. What a shock!
That's terrible. I'm sorry.
So sorry -- that's shockingly young.
I've faffed the afternoon away with Facebook games. I ran into trouble installing some of the software I need for my next lesson and that was enough to stop me in my tracks. Time to get back on the horse, or at least start attempting to saddle it, right?
Oh, shrift. I am so sorry. Let us know if you need anything, please?