Karl, you can join my dad in the I Drive Myself To The ER For A Heart Attack club. I know that you didn't know it was a heart attack at the time, but since I've seen my dad do it more than once, now there's an unofficial club. So glad to hear you got treated quickly!
I have to have a root canal re-done this afternoon, which annoys the shit out of me. It's one that the former die-in-all-the-fires dental practice did about 7 years ago, so after that much time, I don't know if I can actually blame them for needing today's re-do. But I hate them so much that I'm going to blame them anyway. Grumble.
Not a heart attack, but I tried to drive myself to critical care for a kidney stone. It might have gone better if I'd left 15 minutes earlier.
Hubs was at the gym, and the pain was getting bad. I texted him before I left the house. A couple minutes later, he called me to insist on driving me there.
Kidney stones are Not Fun. Their one redeeming feature is, no long-term effects.
I don't have a car, so I caught a cab to the ER when I had a stroke - does that count?
In lighter news (literally?), there's a kickstarter for a Disco Dog vest.
edited to add that it seems to have closed down ... but still, a fun idea, IMHO
I don't have a car, so I caught a cab to the ER when I had a stroke - does that count?
Nope, because you're not the one responsible for operating a 1-ton metal machine that could kill you and/or other people if you lose consciousness. (Literally, the only way I could get my dad to stop driving himself to the ER was to ask him how he would feel if he lost consciousness and killed other people.)
ltc did very well in her first swim lesson.
She loved it and is very proud of herself.
There's a lot to be said for peer pressure re swim lessons, and seeing the other kids having fun.
Karl, glad to hear you're doing well now. (Heart attack took my Dad at 52, and both my brothers have had to have procedures around that age!)