That whole just do the damn homework in a timely fashion lesson is a tough one to sink in.
Yeah. We're trying to get L to learn that one too. I've started having daily scrum meetings with him and tracking his homework on a Kanban board. It's very software-development-y but it seems to be helping.
I had a reasonably good meeting with my manager today, and he told me that he wanted me to be more aggressive with our team. I told him to remember he asked for this during our next annual review period.
he told me that he wanted me to be more aggressive with our team.
That's code for "bring your chainsaw to work."
Oh! I meant to post this earlier, because I am rolling my eyes FOREVER: my otherwise incredibly smart antivaxxer friend posted a link on FB about a Chrome extension that will show you which links are from bullshit fake news sites and whatnot. (That part is cool.)
...he posted it immediately AFTER he shared a link from FoodBabe, without a trace of irony. I am not making that up.
I know we all have blind spots, but his is a mile wide on this thing. Sheesh.
Happy Birthday Jilli!
And thank you Steph for linking to the kitten named Squee on Facebook. It provides much needed cuteness.
Squee is so damn cute, it's almost unreasonable.
Paging Teppy the medicine goddess--I'm on antibiotics for a shin wound that is being crotchety, and I've been having ongoing anxiety worse than my typical anxiousness. So I Googled (bad Dr. Google) and found several references to antibiotics, specifically one I'm on, exacerbating existing anxiety. Is this a thing, or am I falling prey to anec-data? Heck, just knowing it may be a drug interaction cuts a lot of the vicious circle in my head.
Happy birthday, Jilli!
FTR, yes, you can get a whole new passport in 24 hours or less so long as you can get an appointment and your ass to one of the passport agency offices, of which, there are not many.
That's what happened to me! My trip to Ireland, I discovered on the way out the door to the airport that my passport had expired the day before. A few frantic phonecalls later, my sister picked me up and we drove to Philadelphia, got me a new passport, ate ice cream, drove home, and I made the next flight out. So, yes it's possible, but I don't recommend it. Renew your passports now! You never know when you'll need to flee the country.
Happy birthday Jilli!
I had an exam this week. That finishes off the very last subject in my Master of Finance. (This being the one I began just after Ryan was born, i.e. over seven years ago.) Achievement!
Biyi is already asking what I intend to study next.
Cereal: following Dr. Google, I found an amazing website on coping with anxiety, well named I was looking at the breathing section of the Calming Method, and holy fuck, I've been doing deep breathing all wrong. I've always pushed out my chest when deep breathing instead of letting my stomach protrude, and it makes a huge difference! Stupid singing teachers!