Yes, I have a backlog of recorded tv including Colbert and The Daily Show, and Sam Bee, but I don't know when/if I'll watch. I've been watching Leverage take down the bad guys.
Had a lovely dinner with Bobby & GF & her mom. No politics. Talked cars, and music, and food, and travel. Ate, drank, and well couldn't manage merry, but content with good company.
I'm reading Nicola Yoon's new book which I'm enjoying. Had raclette with friends and have otherwise been like an XKCD cartoon all day.
I kind of want to fight every fight right now.
Good lord, yes, Jesse, this is me. Normally on FB when friends of friends say things, I let it go. Not my wall not my battle. But I have given up on that shit. I really feel like those bitter battles in bureaucracy where we got into the weeds of every argument really sharpened some skills that I get to use on FB these days.
This is probably not healthy. But I can't let it go.
I am in bed and drinking wine from a water bottle.
It's one thing when people on FB have actual intelligent thoughts. But they're all just so fucking stupid.
(Okay, no, not everyone. But if I see one more stupid fucking meme, I will...continue to be snappy on FB.)
I hate like 90 % of stuff.
I don't think following the law on this issue is being unreasonable,
No, really not.
I'm going to bed early. Everything else is despair. I'm trying but it's not feeling like optimistic is reasonable.
Dinner is turning out to be cheese and chocolate. Seems inevitable now that I find myself here.
I had a lovely evening with some new friends, including listening to a conference call with HRC I got invited to. I'm not sure why I got invited -- I made literally 10 calls for the campaign, and gave $200! But it was kind of cool regardless. She said do stuff in your own community.