I know that our GOP "friends" have opened investigations with far less evidence. So do we bury our heads in the sand in the aim of bringing the country together (a noble goal, typical of the Democrat way), or do we push for this and get the truth? And feel free to tell me if I'm being a tin-foil hat wearing nutjob because I kind of feel like one, but I'm also looking at truths.
I want an investigation.
As disastrous and terrifying as President Trump may be, I think the Electors handing the presidency to Clinton would start an actual civil war.
I agree. And if the situation were reversed (electoral college to Clinton, popular vote to Trump), I wouldn't want them handing the presidency to Trump.
Suzi, calm~ma.
{{{{{Everyone else}}}}}
Maria, I'm glad you were able to get through your meeting. I texted you because I was concerned, but I don't know if it went through.
Wow, Matt, I bet she has stories. Dang.
I want an investigation.
Don't see how one will happen.
I thought the FBI was already investigating Russian hacking? Or will that all stop now?
Okay, I just made my Holy-Shit-Trump-Was-Elected appointment with my OB/GYN. I was actually overdue for my annual checkup anyway.
I worry about Tim, because in the last several years he's gotten a bit more relaxed about leaving the house dressed as Ava (or taking the trash out in a skirt or whatever), because our neighborhood doesn't give a shit (or will at the very least not actively harm him for it).
But I told him Wednesday that I really want him to not set foot outside our house unless he's in dude clothes head to toe. He said, "Already planned that." This is bullshit.
One of the guys in my improv class is a guy of Middle Eastern ancestry. He did not come to class on Wednesday. I hope he's okay. Physically, I mean. I'm sure he's a wreck mentally.
I recommend the documentary Zero Days about the Stuxnet virus if you want to understand how nation state hacking works in today's world. The nut graf is that we had a brief window of advantage when we were fucking with the Iran nuclear centrifuges, but now everybody is so powerful that all the major nation states can successfully take out another country's power grid etc.
We're basically at the Cyber equivalent of the nuclear strategy of Mutual Assured Destruction to keep everybody in line.
I've been on a conference call for an hour and the only thing that remotely applies to me in a tangible way is : "keep your offices clean and clutter free for newly starting monthly housekeeping checks by the safety department."
I know that our GOP "friends" have opened investigations with far less evidence.
I want an investigation, but I doubt it'll happen. I don't trust the FBI to make a sandwich at this point.
I wouldn't even consider overriding the Electoral College for anything less than Trump. He's the kind of madman the College is Constitutionally intended to prevent taking power.
Lots of ~ma and virtual hugs to everyone. I'm staying away from news and mostly managing to stay off social media. I did catch part of Obama's Veteran's Day speech, and almost cried.
Ironically, the Cymbalta seems to be kicking in, and I'm actually feeling better the last couple days. I'm thankful for it. Non-medicated me could not have handled this.
I am in a weirdly good mood this morning. Probably because I upped my Prozac (my prescription was for two a day, but my doc wanted me to start with one a day to check for side effects or whatever, and I was doing so well on that dose I never upped it. She also had me taking it in the morning, while the pharmacist said it might be better to take it at night, so last night I took one to see if that was better and this morning I took another one more or less out of habit but also to try the higher dose) but also had a couple of nice interactions with humans before work. I went to Starbucks and my barista complimented my safety pin and lamented that she didn't have one, so I gave her an extra I had pinned to my bag. And when I was parking I had to wait for a truck to pull through to the loading docks and I noticed he was turning too sharply and heading for the parking lot, so I waved him over in the right direction and he was all smiling and waving thanks, so that felt like a good deed.