"You voted for Trump! Damn right I'm thinking I'm smarter/better than you right now!"
Pretty much my feelings right now. But from what I can tell, based on the, um, screaming match I got into with one of my brothers on FB yesterday, is that people in quote-unquote flyover country feel like the elites of the country aren't listening to them, so they chose the ultimate outsider. And they may have a point about not being listened to...but to think Trump will help is stupid. If anything, what this country needs is a new New Deal, with infrastructure building and education to replace those mining and manufacturing jobs that just aren't. coming. back. But there's no political will in either party for that.
I was more functional at work today than yesterday. It helps that all of us, at least on my immediate team, feel the same way about the election--such divisions as we had were Bernie vs. Hillary back in the primary. They all thought it was the coolest thing ever that I got retweeted by Wil Wheaton...
I'm still in I'ma Fight This mode. Anger tends to be my default favorite stage of grief, so I'm going to ride that anger and actually commit to activism before my rage high wears off and my introversion takes over again.
And this isn't exactly activism, but I'm about to head out to a NaNoWriMo write-in to recommit myself to being a storyteller. (I'd written 13,600 words through Monday, and nothing since.) Part of me is like, "Who cares about your little fantasy novel? The fate of the world is at stake." But then I remember the first places Dylan and I went to try to express and push back at our despair Tuesday night was music--he played One Last Time, while I went for the Casablanca La Marseillaise scene. Art is part of the fight.