Much luck, Jesse!
I'm at a bit of a loss w/rt work. What we do is very important and helpful, I feel; but having the apricot demagogue at the top of the chain of command is going to be a real problem for me.
Especially since I'm tangentially involved in a complaint about a sexual harrassment case at work, and frankly, the behavior I complained about is so much less than anything the AD apparently has gotten away with for decades. So... how do we provide a safe, professional environment when the guy in charge doesn't feel obligated to behave appropriately?
Good luck, Jesse and kick some ass!
I keep having fantasies of taking self-defense classes and literally kicking ass. Unlikely, given my budget and Fibromyalgia. But, it really would feel good to punch someone in their smug, trump-loving face. or throat. or groin.
I think there needs to be a push to teach girls self-defense so they can take down gropers. And stop apologizing for it.
And unfortunately, accept that some of said gropers may respond with violence. Accept you may get hurt, but hurt them back, hard, and press charges. Once assault has begun, the rules of the high road are out the window.
edit: I don't think Gandhi would have won in this day and age.
I just changed my profile picture to one of ltc in her white dress and blue sweater on election day, where she has a somewhat annoyed look on her face. It's my little rebellion for the day, and no one who disagrees with my politics will see anything but a cute baby.
The problem with reacting violently to gropers is that groping is socially acceptable and hitting gropers isn't. If I punched someone for touching me, I'm the one who's getting arrested.
Also, women are not trained to react that way. I've only been groped a few times, but my reaction is always one of surprise and shock, and I tend to freeze rather than take action. By the time I can comprehend what happened, the instance is over and the guy has moved on or whatever. There's no good way to react, in a world where women are supposed to be nice and polite, and we are trained to just bear it.
It sucks.
I wonder what's going to happen when he can't follow through with the promises that mean the most to his base? He can't build a border wall, certainly not in four years. He can repeal the ACA, but they
have to
replace it with something that gives their base healthcare at least as good as they're used to
cheaper or they'll turn against him. And they don't have anything. Can he bring good jobs back to the heartland? Well, if he can, that'll actually be a good thing, but I don't think he can. Practically he can't deport all Muslims and he knows it; I've read that that promise has been removed from his website already. He can tighten up immigration laws but that involves
making laws
and he can't do it on day one.
The people who voted for him, some of them are horrible bigots but most of them want good jobs and affordable housing and greater security against their fears, and I don't think either Trump or the Republican Congress has any idea how to give them those things. Beyond the bombastic unrealistic promises, he's got nothing.
So the Republicans got what they wanted, they've got it all. Now they have two choices. They can spend four years obstructing Trump the way they did Obama, and their base will revolt. Or, they have to actually govern. And if they do it badly, if the Republicans screw up and can't give the Heartland what it wants, there won't be anyone they can blame it on. Things are going to be horrible for us, but things may end up being pretty awful for them too. And I don't even know what to wish for - of course I want a competent government, but I also want the Trump administration to go down in metaphorical flames and put an end to the far-right Republican party.