White men doubly so. I see people like me - white men in their fifties+ - with suits and ties and they are just coded in my lizard brain as "The Enemy."
Yeah I had a brief moment of that. But I'm in California, the land of didn't vote for That Man. So I let it go. Then I realized the other danger. So my school is super progressive with a social justice mission. We've spent all day talking to our mostly immigrant, lots of illegal student population and it's been emotionally exhausting. Kids are afraid of deportation or my bangledeshi kids are afraid of being beaten up. One of my sikh students stopped wearing a turban this year to keep himself safe. Students talked about leaving El Salvador or Honduras because it wasn't safe and now they don't feel safe here.
One of the other schools on my campus has a walkout and our students talked about joining them or not and had lots of productive discussions. And the very small number of trump supporting kids were feeling, I think, shut down.
But the most difficult thing for me personally today was when K told me that she was walking to get something from the car and a bunch of kids (from one of the other schools on our site) threw trash at her and called her racist for being white.
I just can't.
I fail to find fault in seeking out communities in which you feel safe. Especially in a sea of humanity that has shown indifference at best to both your safety and humanity. Communities can be safe harbor and give you backup when you choose to go out and try to engage that indifferent sea.
I have good friends, and at least 2 cousins, for whom key provision of the ACA could be life or death. Preexisting conditions with hefty treatment cost (for life) means insurance would be unfindable, and cost unsustainable to an individual.
I left my office early so I could go for a walk in the park while there's still sunlight, since it will be fully dark after I finish with my last meeting of the day.
I'm cycling through being livid and heartbroken and numb and being afraid for others more than myself. I donated to Planned Parenthood today and I'm going to continue donating and getting a corporate match for food banks and civil liberties and climate change orgs. I need to figure out what else I can do.
First, though, a walk.
There were walkouts at High Schools in the East Bay, my phone tells me. Berkeley and Oakland.
UT students have shut down a bridge in Austin.
They are marching in Chicago & in NYC.
But I guess my immediate thing is when the ACA is repealed does that mean everyone loses insurance right away...or is it an unknown thing. I'm trying not to panic but I need to figure this out and I don't know what to do...apply,don't bother
I'm guessing there's a whole lot of contract law involved. I mean, I've already applied for next year so essentially they've made an agreement with me. Plus, while the House has voted umpteen times to appeal, they did that knowing that it wouldn't get anywhere. So I'm very interested to see what happens with the razor thin Senate margin when actual constituents in swing states are involved. I would assume there are a lot of negotiations ahead of us on this one.
David, not all mid-westerners are evil. I'm only a little evil. And my white-middle-aged brother was a big Hillary supporter.
Oh, I totally recognize that my reaction was irrational and unfair.
I'm just ready to dig in and fight like crazy against the massive teardown the Republicans are going to attempt.
For fuck's sake, they want to gut the EPA and sell off the National Parks. It's insanity.
Some useful summaries on Vox.
A nightmare for white working class economics: [link]
askye, it's not clear how they'll tear down the ACA. They probably won't stop it all at once.
One of the bigger problems is that Paul Ryan's been advocating all these horrible shitty changes to Medicaid including doing block grants to the states which was disastrous (for poor people) the last time that happened.
Attack on healthcare: [link]
Also they'll strip all the federal protections for LGBTQ people that Obama put forth. So it will be thrown back to the States and they will probably institute some Religious Freedom bullshit which allows companies to discriminate against LGBTQ.
War on LGBTQ: [link]
I'm planning on being as obstructionist and civilly disobedient as possible for two years and taking back at least one house of Congress then. Maybe both.
Two years of digging in and No Fucking Healing and No Fucking Coming Together and fuck you Vichy shits that want to.
If I lose Medicaid, I'm so screwed.