I have no idea how good the writing is going to end up, but damn does "Bright" have great visuals in the trailer. [link] (The random shot of a dragon flying by the moon in the background in one scene is a nice touch.)
The sad thing is this is probably the closest we'll ever get to a true Shadowrun movie (because even if its successful people will likely claim any attempt at a real Shadowrun move is "just a rip-off of Bright."
I'm on vacation in New Zealand so I just saw The Last Jedi (earlier than I would have at home in the US)!! I am a Star Wars nerd from way back and i LOVED IT.
I finally watched The Force Awakens. That was pretty good! I'm thinking Rogue One this evening and maybe the new one Saturday morning. That gets me caught up, right?
I don't know whether Rogue One is that essential (though someone who has already seen TLJ might be able to elaborate). It's a prequel to Star Wars, so takes place much earlier. TFA is the important one. I watched it again last night and was amazed by how much I'd forgotten.
My 3-day rental from Amazon expires tomorrow, so I might watch it again. Fun to be excited for Star Wars again!
Rogue One is probably not required for The Last Jedi, but if you're on a Star Wars kick it's lots of fun!
Plus it's on Netflix right now so why not?
Are we talking about the last Jedi here?
I am still processing so don't have much to say really except I really liked it.
I just got back from The Last Jedi and WOW. So much fun. I'm seeing it again tomorrow! I took my Son-in-Law and he was bouncingly excited before AND after.
The Last Jedi was really good! I felt sad seeing Carrie Fisher for the last time (barring extra footage and/or computer manipulations). But the movie was great.