Went to see Stronger in theater last night before it left the multiplex, the real life story about Jeff Bauman who lost his legs at the Boston Marathon bombing, mostly because Tatiana Maslany plays his girlfriend and I wanted to do my part to support her having a film career. Surprisingly solid film, with minimal mawkishness! Jake Gyllenhaal plays the lead and he is excellent. Maslany is also great, no surprise there.
Annoyingly, there were TWO movies headlined by Miles Teller shown during Coming Attraction, playing a solider and a firefighter, respectively, that struck me as uncomfortably right wing politically. Heroic white dudes with traditionally manly occupations doing heroic white dude stuff, sometimes with PTSD, set to inspiration music, etc. I mean, the solider one was apparently made by the people who did American Sniper so while I am a bit oversensitive these days, I don't think I'm that far off the mark. Both trailers made me cringe. Although that might partly be because Miles Teller has the most punchable face in the industry.
I thought the Josh Brolin firefighter movie looked interesting right up to the moment the trailer revealed it stars Teller. Maybe I'll catch it on cable in a few years so I can record it and fast forward through all his lines.
So Miles Teller has a Do Not Watch notice on in his chart.
I don't know him enough to care but I have made a personal commitment to never watching anything with Kevin James in it.
Who is on everybody else's Do Not Watch list?
[goes ahead and puts Connie down for Julia Roberts]
[goes ahead and puts Connie down for Julia Roberts]
It's a fair cop. And who I first thought of.
Adam Sandler used to be on mine, but I just watched The Meyerowitz Stories on Netflix and Sandler is really fucking great in it. He should quit writing/directing/producing his own "comedic" material and just let people he trusts with discerning tastes pick good roles for him. The dude can ACT.
Insofar as I have such a person, probably Tom Cruise. And leopard seals. Though strangely, I would be fine with seeing Tom Cruise
leopard seals.
Cruise, Teller, Mel Gibson, Kirk Cameron, Rebel Wilson, and Larry the Cable Guy are on mine. Katherine Heigl would be but I think her movie career is over.
Casey Affleck, and I'm none too keen on Ben just now.
Old school, Robert Mitchum (with an exception for
Night of the Hunter,
because Agee and Gish).
Tom Cruise, and Sarah Silverman, weirdly.