Very good to see your pixels too, Brenda. I still think of the place where you took me to eat - it was amazing.
If I'm already posting in this thread, I guess I can use my (somewhat revised) Jewish New Year's post from October, from Bitches:
I was moved to a mostly support/part analysis position rather than a full analysis position in my work and it's not really working for me (as in, it's working great for the company and I get bonuses and raises and praises, but it's not what I signed up for and it bores me).
I dropped out of the library science diploma studies program (NOT MLIS) I started in 2013 and I wish I'd done so last year, since the program doesn't work for me either and doesn't give me the option write a thesis (which I really really really want to write. It's also not technical, and I'm working as a technical librarian for all ends and purposes).
I became a foster mama for two great cats.
I hosted a friend from Seattle for five days in Jerusalem and it was wonderful (her travel tumblr starts here: [link] So wonderful that I'd like to replicate this experience as often as possible. You can all consider this as an invitation.
I decided to chase a proper masters degree abroad. Preferably next year, as living in Israel began to be too much for me (violence wise).
I've been working with my therapist, and it appears that I have feelings other than anger, rage, and "hi, it's funny/feels nice".
My fangirlyness interests have changed.
I almost lost my father this June and July to his untreated heart condition (it was a touch and go for a few days). He's alive, but things are complicated.
I was at Pride in Jerusalem where Shira Banki was murdered. [link]
I turned 30.
I cut my hair much shorter than usual, and it's working great.
In August I lost my uncle to cancer, less than a month after he was diagnosed. He was 51, a social worker, and a wonderful human being. He died due to an infection, before he could even fight the damn thing.
I started taking oral Arabic lessons to refresh my Arabic, in the Jerusalem Intercultural Center. It's a lovely place.
My company was sold. For now, we all get to keep our jobs, but we'll see again in 3-6 months time. Things will change for a lot of us.
The violence in my city and all around Israel and Palestine breaks my heart in so many ways. Unrelated, there have been quite a few deaths and illnesses around me.
I've started dating again. Nothing serious, all casual. I surprisingly like it.
These are the main events, I think. It's been a hell of year, quite literally. And I think that I'm doing well. I found that I have more courage and ability to handle some situations and do certain things that I never thought I'd do. Feels like my heart was dragged through a field of thrones, but nevertheless - I'm also OK. And sometimes I'm more than OK. Which is quite a thing, I think.