and the Pillowcaser or Secret Solstice Santa (as self- called in the card) strikes again. pics to come. VERY cute and very soft and ssoooooo nice and unexpected.
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Thanksgivukkahmas, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering.
Go away, 2015.
and the Pillowcaser or Secret Solstice Santa (as self- called in the card) strikes again. pics to come. VERY cute and very soft and ssoooooo nice and unexpected.
I know who it is! Bwah-ha-ha-ha!
I got one, too. Made my day.
Oh! Me too! Adorable little calico cats dancing with flowers on the case itself, and bordered with kitty pawprints and hearts! Kee-yuuute!
Thank you, Seekrit Solstice Santa!
Mine is pink and black skulls with a pink gingham border. I may have teared up a little.
I put pics up on the fb group.
I must figure out a way to photograph mine. this computer's the only camera I have.
I have also been visited by the Secret Solstice Santa! It's only 10:30 a.m., but you have made my day, mysterious pillowcaser! (And I already had planned to do laundry today, so I'm going to wash it and put it on my bed ASAP.)
Thank you so much Secret Solstice Santa! I love my pillowcase. It is a beautiful teacup pattern with a trim that says "Because I'm your Mom that's why". It is so perfect and made my day.
Oh, yeah my pillowcase is a print with a coffee cup that says "Today's good mood sponsored by coffee," with a Hello Kitty-print trim. I have at least one friend who would steal this if she could (but she's a nun, so she won't) (I think).