Jayne: That's a good idea. Good idea. Tell us where the stuff's at so I can shoot you. Mal: Point of interest? Offering to shoot us might not work so well as an incentive as you might imagine.

'Out Of Gas'

Goodbye and Good Riddance 2015: Goodnight moon  

Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Thanksgivukkahmas, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering.

Go away, 2015.

Calli - Dec 24, 2015 6:10:51 am PST #153 of 251
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

I just got LDBed. It was in the store where we were getting UP style pasties though, so totally worth it.

lisah - Dec 24, 2015 6:13:19 am PST #154 of 251
Punishingly Intricate

My package is on its way, but will probably get there the 26th.

Likewise! I tried so hard to get it in the mail on Monday and it just couldn't happen so we stopped on the way to the airport Tuesday morning. It's slightly possible that I may have mixed up the package meant for my Santee and for my 1-year old cousin so...let me know if you get tiny adorable socks and bath toys!

aurelia - Dec 24, 2015 6:27:44 am PST #155 of 251
All sorrows can be borne if you put them into a story. Tell me a story.

Hee! I'm loving the idea of that mixup.

I was LDB'd twice yesterday. I figure making it to Dec 23 is pretty good and at least it was Bowie/Crosby both times.

SuziQ - Dec 24, 2015 8:31:06 am PST #156 of 251
Back tattoos of the mother is that you are absolutely right - Ame

Your powers of deduction are correct, smonster. There should be a separate package of a couple other small goodies coming your way, but I'm not sure when.

I tried to stick with Colorado or up cycled stuff... wish I could have delivered them personally. One day I'll get to New Orleans.

erikaj - Dec 24, 2015 10:50:35 am PST #157 of 251
Always Anti-fascist!

Suzi, I'm your Santa. Glad you liked everything--the palm trees felt like the biggest coup. Lee, I opened the flamingo wine stopper, which did, in fact arrive safe and sound(Had kind of a rotten day Tues, felt like I needed a prize) Love it.

SuziQ - Dec 24, 2015 11:29:31 am PST #158 of 251
Back tattoos of the mother is that you are absolutely right - Ame

Thank you so much Erika!!! I adore everything. I can't wait to hang up the palm trees. Just need to find the right frame.

SuziQ - Dec 24, 2015 11:30:09 am PST #159 of 251
Back tattoos of the mother is that you are absolutely right - Ame

Oh smonster, check your email for the tracking info on the delayed goodie.

beekaytee - Dec 24, 2015 5:32:47 pm PST #160 of 251
Compassionately intolerant

Suzi, I have to say, your snowflake & card are among my most prized of the season. So lovely!!

Both are on my mantle right now. I took a picture, but it features my big, dumb head in the mantle mirror. I'll take another one in a few days.

Thank you. I love it.

beekaytee - Dec 24, 2015 5:33:38 pm PST #161 of 251
Compassionately intolerant

My giftees package should have been delivered today. Ima pitch a postal fit if it wasn't!! This may be the first year I've actually been on time.

SuziQ - Dec 24, 2015 6:29:28 pm PST #162 of 251
Back tattoos of the mother is that you are absolutely right - Ame

Thanks Bonny and everyone else. When I was going my afghan project and posting my progress to FB, I got so much support that when I looked for my next project I wanted something to share.