Also sad about Ben and Jennifer, because she seems so cool, and I wanted to believe he reformed due to the love of a good woman, etc (speculation is that his gambling and womanizing). Plus they've got kids and that's always sad.
I hate when my alarm goes off and I'm so sleepy I can't figure out why it's making noise.
Flea, no ideas on HP other than she could search on AO3 herself and maybe download appropriately-aged stories? You can save them in kindle format, for instance.
Frankly, I've been expecting the Affleck/Garner split since Daredevil tanked. At least they stayed married past their 10th anniversary, so you know it wasn't one of those Tom Cruise multi-year publicity stunts engineered to avoid community property laws.
Yeah, the consensus elsewhere is search A03 and download G and PG-rated stories for reading offline. I am surprised there is not a child-friendly-fanfic site for HP, given how the existence of fandom parents and the continuing popularity of HP with kids as young as 7!
Also sad about Ben and Jennifer, because she seems so cool, and I wanted to believe he reformed due to the love of a good woman, etc (speculation is that his gambling and womanizing). Plus they've got kids and that's always sad.
Yes! All of those reasons.
Am weirdly sad that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner
Me too. It was nice that they seemed to make it work. And what Kat said. Also what meara said.
Don't think California community property has a time limit?
This morning, y'all. It's the first of the month so I took all my measurements, like I do, which ate into my getting-ready-dfor-work time, and then getting dressed was hard (it just was, okay?) and by the time I managed that I hadn't had breakfasta nd it was time to leave. And then my car wouldn't start, and it was a different kind of not starting than I was used to so I kind of panicked and called my parents who talked me through what these particular symptoms might mean and my little battery booster thing got it started on the second try so I was able to drive it down the street to my garage and they gave me a ride to work but I STILL HAVEN'T HAD BREAKFAST.
This is not a thing I do, being awake for this long without eating.
Will fix it right now.
Is this like a whole week of Mondays or what?
I thought I had heard of one, flea, but I am not in that world enough to even know where to look (even where to look for where I heard about it - a livejournal community, maybe?)
And it's the start of the third quarter, so time to change all my passwords. I hate the one work site that has different password requirements than everything else, throws off my whole system.
I'm pretty sure there were gen archives for Harry Potter fic, but they've probably disappeared into the mists of time.
Ugh, I hate that -t. Of the like, eighteen work passwords I have, two of them (one an internal system!!) require a change every 60 days or so while the rest are every 90. Or 3 months vs 4 months, something. I always means that one or two passwords are out of synch and I hate it. I know nothing can be done about the outside vendor one but the internal one makes me nuts! Why can't it be integrated with our other passwords?
I have two sets of work-related incrementing passwords, which would make corporate IT annoyed, because incrementing is not recommended. But the last number of one of those passwords is already up to 20, and that set only started three years ago.
Most of my personal passwords are character names from fic I wrote in obscure fandoms, but since they're actual names, I should start incorporating symbols into them, I suppose.