I do Tep, but I am like two weeks behind. But Dina is the best, anyway.
That sounds amazing, aurelia! Want.
Robotic-themed wedding also sounds amazing.
I am so tired but it is still too hot to sleep. Fortunately it was not too hot yet when dad and I did our 5k with very steep hills. My time was slower than my last one (no surprise, I really didn't train and those were some serious climbs) but i feel better about it. It was my dad's first and he walked it, as planned, but only took 3 minutes longer than me. I am a very slow runner. Dad also came in second for his age group (70-75 which had only two entrants) so he gets a special medal. We didn't realize until after we came home so he'll have to get it mailed to him.
Tomorrow is another 5k. I hope it is not too hot. Planning to walk, in any case.
Or foolish. Or both.
Lemme see what I can do DoA-wise.
Does anyone here read the webcomic Dumbing of Age? Because I just need to squee about Dina.
I like that webcomic a lot. And Dina. (
I'm a big fan of the "Terrible Lizbians" moniker.
Achievement Unlocked!
That was a fun little binge.
Dina deserves much squee.
I just spent 12 hours in the theatre and did not hear a single phone ring! It is possible! Why can't people manage that for a 90 minute show?
All Our Tragic is well worth the time investment.
Dina deserves much squee.
YAASS QUEEN. I'm not really a fan of Becky, even though I feel sorry for her, but I love Dina so damn much that she elevates everything associated with her.
OK, now it's just like I'm stalking Burrell, b/c I just quoted her in Bitches too
This. This. I am right there with you. I'd break but there's no on who's job is taking care of me, so it'd just be making my own workload tougher.
I cannot even comprehend how all you with families can keep getting up every day and take on not just your emotional health but theirs as well. Seriously, I am in awe. I can barely get up to deal with my (pretty insignificant) shit some days and... Parenting, good parenting, is so tough and I admire the hell out of you all on this board. And it breaks my heart when you get to the end of your ropes and feel like you're failing. You're not. You're all amazing.
The magnet teachers are Reynolds or Calpin.
I can't be the only one who misread this as "Reynolds or Captain."
I have interwebs again!! Hooray for Optimum helpdesk people who actually help!