My flight to Belize leaves just before 1 a.m. board time!
I am packed and ready and excited and also VERY tired because (like a moron) I had multiple glasses of iced green tea with our late dinner last night and slept only two hours last night. I have decided to see this as insurance that I will sleep on the red eye from LA to Atlanta, where I’m meeting my cousin for our second leg into Belize City and our final puddle hopper (which advertises with great enthusiasm that you can fly NEXT TO the pilot, if available) to Placencia.
I finished my scuba refresher last weekend and have two days of diving planned along with a lot of cousin bonding time over fruity tropical drinks. I fly home on Monday. WHEE!
Woo hoo, Belize!
I just bought lots of reef friendly sunscreen and oversized shirts for swimming.
What brand of sunscreen did you buy? I clearly need to do some shopping...
Have a great time Pix!
We had a fire drill at work today. We all had to leave the office and walk down 17 floors of stairs. Not my favorite thing to do--but when we got to the check-in point, they had fancy ice cream sandwiches for us. Nice work, Building!
Thanks, all! Currently having a beer in the hopes it will knock me out on the flight. I'm dead tired, but falling asleep on a plane is never easy.
Well done, Scrappy's building!
Sunblock. Right. Should probably buy some of that in Belize.
I slept horribly and have a 7 am meeting. Woo.
Wow, have fun, Pix!
I feel like we should start a "my opinion, let me show you it" tumblr in the vein of "yo, is this this racist" and let people ask us stuff and we can just tell them what we think.
That would be amazing.
I am so tired of not sleeping through to my alarm! And it's not like I've gotten anything done in the extra half-hour at work, either. Dumb.