watching it while drinking a beer was an excellent use of my time.
Good call.
Coincidentally, my "buy gas now" light came on when I was on my way home tonight, but it went off again so I just came on home instead of going directly to a gas station because I live on the edge like that. Crossing my fingers that I will have enough gas to get to the nearest station in the morning.
No car fires witnessed.
Home again, weary and ready to crawl into the old familiar bed and sleep for a week.
It's so ridiculously good to scroll through the last hundred posts and see all the news of new young humans and the big humans welcoming them. So happymaking!
Yay new teacup! Boo running out of gas, but yay not being the car flambé? Boo work stuff.
I told work I wasn't feeling well (left out the "mentally") part and quit at 2pm to pick up a friend who is in town for an interview tomorrow. She and I hung out at the beach and then at my place, and it was very nice. I'm crossing my fingers she gets the job!
I may very well continue to be "sick" tomorrow--I have 11 PTO days right now.
Just think, at least y'all don't have a giant metal chicken ringing your doorbell to deal with. Perspective.
Thank you, everyone for the congratulations.
Francesca Ruth is a beautiful name! Welcome to the world, baby girl!
shrift, I hope settling in goes easier.
I'm getting increasingly worried that my kitchen will not be done by the time I leave on vacation on the 28th. This could be a problem.
Spent hours this last week with an incredibly scatter-brained new coworker who I have had to train (because nobody else will). It hasn't helped that she basically didn't get computer access for six work days, so she hasn't been able to do any work. Please god I hope she works out, because my boss wants me to give her my boring work while I transition into the more complicated stuff (yay?). Anyway, it's exhausting and now I've got to go to bed.
My eldest nephew started 7th grade today. *brain explodes*
Tim's youngest niece started her senior year of high school today. Daaaaang.