If they'd answered my questions on Friday maybe they wouldn't have as big an audience for this mess.
It's amazing the messes that occur when people will just not admit to things. It's my least favorite plot device in stories, as well. I've learned that I get a lot of bonus points if I just come right out and say to a manager "I goofed up and did this, can you help me fix it?"
True story:We just ran out of gas. On the highway. Because the person who has been driving the car all week (spoiler: NOT ME) didn't notice the car was on empty. I'm partly full of raaaaaage, but also partly amused that this happened while we were driving to a board meeting for the ADHD group.
Tom has zero awareness of the car's gasoline needs, it's pretty funny. I try to remember to gas up before leaving town.
One of our friends is bringing us gas, and we have a great view of a car fire (seriously, the whole thing was ENGULFED in flames), so it's all good.
we have a great view of a car fire (seriously, the whole thing was ENGULFED in flames), so it's all good.
Finding the positive in adversity.
I fill up when it gets to a quarter tank. Hubby always said, "But you've got a quarter of a tank, you're fine!" Don't care.
shrift, are you still couchless?
I can loan you some chairs.
Congrats, sj! And welcome to the world, Francesca Ruth!!
Omg, we came to my husband's office so he could get something done, and the power's gone out.