I have to admit I started hearing “PIVOT! PIVOT!” in my head and giggling.
I resisted saying this to the delivery guys, but I wanted to.
I spent a few days sitting on a sofa I made of empty boxes. So that's a thing!
Nuts, I already put my boxes in the recycling bins. That'll show me!
What dishes did you end up with, shrift?
The Little Hoot dishes by Rachael Ray. It was one of the big plates that arrived broken.
All right! Time to call to cancel my renter's insurance in Illinois and maybe try to do some work while I wait for the delivery guys to come back. The xfinitywifi hotspot I'm signed into isn't fast, but it's better than no wifi at all.
And just as I was dialing to call an insurance agent, the delivery guys called to tell me they can't make it back this afternoon. I guess I'm going to investigate smaller couch options and have a chat with their customer service.
Man, I need to calm down on Twitter, I think, but the #whichemergency hashtag is giving me so much life.
Ugh. So ready to flip the table and scream "fuck you all I quit". So goddamn ready. If only I could afford it. Seriously. Because I just got cornered into doing something I did not want to after telling my manager it wouldn't work for me. Because she told someone else I would do it and we can't afford to piss that person off. Im so angry. And me being pissy, exhausted, and ill-prepared is not going to be good but that's what they're going to get!
Argh, meara, that's frustrating.
meara, if it helps, I am right there with you. So ready. I keep asking for help and not getting any, and then getting more work.
Ugh you guys. I hate that just not doing the shit you don't have time to do only reflects poorly on you, too. I mean, on one. In my experience. OK, on me.
Baby! And with the same middle name as me!
Congratulations and welcome Francesca!
Ugh, meara. And Zen. That's awful.
We had an order ship out wrong, for reasons that really truly have nothing to do with me, and the department who is responsible is desperately looking for any other thing to hold against those of us who are just bystanders. Argh. If they'd answered my questions on Friday maybe they wouldn't have as big an audience for this mess.