Laura, I'm so sorry. I'm deep in mom issues.
Tonight on our walk around the lake, I told my mom "your index is just getting corrupted." And when I went on to explain how I was perceiving her memory issues as she's been describing them (she remembers shit, it isn't lost, but just not retrieved with her usual cues) as much like when that happens to our databases or when our data location db contents get corrupted:"the contents is still there, we just can't find it using the prescribed paths," she said that sounded just about exactly how it feels,but she'd never even thought of herself as a database. Or knows how they work. But our conversation lead her to a conclusion that she should start journaling daily activities, especially those outside the routine, so she can use those as reminders.
Unprompted, for example, she'll ask when I was last in Cruces. It was last summer. She gets nothing. "Tyler's shitfit about going to MY favorite Mexican place for MY 40th birthday?" And it all comes flooding back, down to, "he was sullen until he figured out the chips and salsa were self serve and so served us all too much!" So.
Her memory finder databases are getting corrupted. Gotta rewire. And figure out if there is an underlying cause other than just old cells.