I did Gishwhes for the first time this year. exhausting and fun and made me realize how little I do in my current iteration of my life. That was part of doing it, make me do stuff, make me figure things out, have a project (or several).
Along those same lines, I went to a Meet-Up today. Liberal Ladies who Lunch, which sounds a little too blue hairs with money who eat tea sandwiches, but is really not. It is mainly a social group for liberal women to get together in areas that are majorily conservative. Some people network about political things, some just talk. The group itself doesn't do much politically, but members tend to all be parts of groups that do. There were Bernie supporters there and a chair of the Country Democratic Women. I am going to try to start going to the lunch once a month. MEETING NEW PEOPLE!! I don't much like new people, but I would like some friends here, so I powered through.
free samples including an avocado!
Man, I want a free avocado! Although our neighbor gave me 3 tomatoes from one of the (MANY) tomato plants in his front yard the other day when he happened to be outside when I walked by with the dog. He said he wanted to give them away before the squirrels could eat them.
My birthword is mockney. I'm not sure how I feel about that, actually.
That sounds awesome, msbelle!
That's great, msbelle!
I did also get two tomatoes, but I don't like tomatoes so I will probably pass them along to a coworker or someone. If I can find one who isn't growing her own and trying to give those away...
I got all the empty egg cartons off my refrigerator! I am in the process of convincing myself I do not need to hold onto egg cartons since I get three every month, but it's going to take a little time before I can really buy in, I can tell.
Too hot to be doing all the outside stuff I really should have done earlier, but I didn't think it would be this hot today. Or I didn't think the temperature my phone predicted as the high would feel this hot, more likely.
My poor grapes are shriveling up on the vine, I need to remember to water them on Tuesday.
My birth word is megastar. Which I report for scientific reasons only.
Timelies all!
The bris is over, everything went fine. Now we have a bunch of thank you notes to write.