It's not like they are denying stuff that was said in an obscure interview they are denying things that have been said multiple times and covered by news and blogs all over.
You can't just go "oh well one time ages ago Trump kind of said something nice about Putin" it's more like "which source do we pick to show what a liar he is"
Did you see the latest with Trump correcting the people of Nevada about how they've been saying their state's name wrong this whole time? Hope he didn't need any votes from there.
OMG, that is hilarious. What an asshole!
I cannot imagine having that kind of chutzpah. I can maybe imagine having a brief moment of it, and then realizing I'd been a jerk and feeling mortified about it.
I hate the whole Trump thing. He's like a 10 year old running for President and not even a bright one. He declares himself smarter than anyone else about... everything, his "policy positions" are just simplistic statements that he'll fix everything, he makes completely untrue statements that are easily disproved, he has a brilliant plan to defeat ISIS but he can't tell us what it is, etc... It's all so fucking stupid and the press is so cowed about coming across as biased that they won't really go after all this crap.
Evident ally hos secret amazing ISIS plan is pretty much everyone elses.
Well, nearly every Republican in the primary had the same statement. [Obama isn't doing anything to take on ISIS, and if I'm elected I'm going to do what Obama is currently doing.]
Car repairs $860. I am transferring $$ from my new car/emergency fund to pay it and cover some of my out of control shopping expenses I have been racking up. Time to severely tighten the budget belt and pay off the cards again.