I had a horrible dream that I am still trying to parse, I am gonna white font for physical torturous like stuff plot akin to The Lottery.
unclear where we were, but there were lots of people there I knew. I was younger, no E. There were tables in these rooms and they had things on them from each of us, maybe things we had donated for like a silent auction. There were some horrible people there and somehow if they got your stuff they got you for a period of years. They didn't kill people, but they had these horrible tortures. They got me of course and my hands and feet were put into these clear boxes that had 5 dials on them, each turn of a dial would break bones between the joints on my fingers/toes and then stretch the digits. They would heal and be re-broken. My fingers were like twice their current length and useless.
Yikes msbelle, that is worse than enduring this election cycle. Whatever you had to eat/drink/read before sleep last night, don't do it again.
I watched Poldark and then This is Us, took a shower, then went to bed. No food after like 7. My brain is a wacky dream machine though.
Wow, that is nasty, msbelle.
Man, dreams like that can really affect your whole day.
Do you still have your brother's HBO password? Because I watched Deadpool last night, and then had some really cool dreams.
Do not have HBO password and have too much on my TiVo. I am sure it is a combo of over tired, Mac annoyance, and joint pain.
And possibly also political climate, because everyone just went along with letting these people take us and do horrible things if they got our item.
Confirmed last night with my mother that my father plans to vote Trump. Grr. I was hoping he'd hate Trump and go independent or at least not vote? But my mom was exasperated too. Sigh.