I feel like a coward, but I can't watch. I just can't. In the best of circumstances, things like this give me stomach-churning anxiety (I used to have to leave the room when S. had on the MacLaughlin Group aka All Shouting All the Time), and this is far from the best of circumstances.
The whole election is so terrifying and means so much, I'm paralyzed. (Aside from actual voting, which I will proudly do.)
Did they give him a tranquilizer or something? He sounds like he's half asleep.
I said that to Tim earlier -- the only way to rein him in would be to drug him. But I was kidding.
He's got a super dry mouth thing going on.
He keeps sniffling, too, like he's got a stuffy nose. She wouldn't be able to get away with that.
I ttied to watch but I can't. My dad gave me a small loan my ass.
I'm fascinated by their flip-flopping of colors, though -- the democrat is wearing red (VERY well), and the republican has a gloriously blue tie. Interesting.
Anyone want to give odds on Clinton lunging at Trump and ripping his pancreas out with her teeth before the debate is over?
I flipped back and watched Trump try to interrupt and make faces but I can't watch otherwise I might try to lunge through the TV and rip his panceres out.
His interrupting and sniffling isn't helping him out.
He better hope she doesn't have a switchblade hidden in her hair.
Lester Holt has no control over this debate.
The debates really need someone dressed as Carol Kane's character from The Princess Bride to jump out and scream LIAR!! Every time someone lies.
Well maybe a stream of them considering how fast the lies and exaggerations tend to fall.