Tim is kind of the WORST. He gets a giant case of the guilties for using his insurance. And we've hit the deductible [note to self: see how that affects what I pay the therapist] because of how many lab tests and x-rays and whatnot he's had this year, which made him feel even MORE guilty. He seriously feels bad about using insurance.
I feel him this year, I really do.
Insert rant about how for-profit health insurance is a crock of shit.
I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon to see if I have finger pleurisy.
Finger pleurisy is serious. Hope it's something much more better :)
I'm at the airport. Tempted to volunteer for a different flight and get $400 but usually they make you wait until the end of boarding before they decide if they need you or not, and I don't want to post my good seat on this flight!
Insert rant about how for-profit health insurance is a crock of shit.
The free market breaks down when you have inelastic demand.
Dana, yikes! Best of luck at the doctor.
sarameg, feel better.
ltc was already a little cranky from teething, and then the poor thing knocked her face into her crib while toddling around.
Grey's Anatomy:
I was expecting there to be some sort of twist, but the plot was surprisingly straightforward for a GA premiere.
Finger pleurisy is no joke! (Says the woman who managed to infect a cuticle, and wind up in urgent care with a really painful finger the size of a balloon, and lancing and antibiotics and ...)
In other words, good call, Dana. :-)
I'm kind of hoping it's carpal tunnel, because that seems like a better option than RA. I guess gout is also treatable, but it's not a typical presentation of gout. I say this with confidence, because googling is totally the same as a medical degree.
Also, lancing? OMG. Please don't do that to yourself again.
My boss used the word layoff in an email to us today. He is getting pressure from above to affect sales numbers that WE HAVE NO CONTROL OVER. I am trying to stave off a panic attack.
I mean I could drop to 35 hours a week and be happy about that, but I can't really volunteer for that without it looking like I am working more than necessary now.
Good luck, msbelle. Layoffs are never fun even if you come out okay.
OTOH, getting laid-off turned out to be great for my career.