Yeah, I feel like McCain fell apart there at some point.
My issue with the Trump business thing is that he doesn't seem to have actually been all that successful!!
I returned from Chicago last night, and tomorrow I have a FOUR AM meeting. Gross. But it's due to having to include people in China and the UK also. Still. And then I drive to Portland for a dance weekend.
Also, I must share my disappointment with my morning scone: I stopped and purchased a latte and a scone, which was $8 (!! This shit is expensive now!). And the scone had currants on top and a little icing and I was told it was a currant scone. Was it ridiculous of me to expect that the currants would also be IN the scone? Because they are not. And I feel cheated. Grump grump grump.
Yeah, I feel like McCain fell apart there at some point.
And then his concession speech made him sound like the old McCain again. I had never planned to vote for him, but it was sad seeing what the campaign did to him. (Tim planned to vote for McCain...right up until Palin was unleashed on the voters. Then he was [rightly] horrified that she would be a heartbeat away from an old POTUS and voted for Obama.)
I think McCain was horrified at Palin, too. I almost got the impression that he nearly threw the election.
Snow on the mountaintops after the cold rainstorm that went through!
I just got out of a webinar hosted by one of our vendors. They showed some sample screenshots of their product with fake users. Two of whom were Down, Neil and Dover, Ben. Really? Maybe they should have considered swapping those out before showing them to users who may not share their sense of humor. I found it kind of amusing, but I'm frequently 12.
I kinda feel bad for Palin too. She really got defined by "I can see Russia from my house", which, of course, she didn't actually say. That and I'm pretty sure she isn't well. Her speeches get so incoherent I can't think there isn't something wrong there.
And Gore, Gore really got shafted by the media. He was defined by saying he invented the Internet, which, of course, he never actually said. Then there was that terrible scandal, the sigh.
Went out, got my tires filled and the car inspected, mailed some packages, and had lunch. And took out the trash and got the mail this morning. Now I'm exhausted and avoiding dealing with the not-quite-dead roach still in my bathroom.
People behind me at work are talking about how Thomas Edison was the Steve Jobs of his day -- in that he stole other people's ideas and made a ton of money off them. Enjoyable!
jfc, that is the biggest not-dead roach I've ever seen.