So glad I went to dog class. Felt a bit better when I got there, and the Boss did great: we did a sequence that included a jump, tunnel, six more jumps, and then the tunnel again. And she did it at least once perfectly! Our trainer was really pleased: most of the class is doing very well. (Except for the apricot poodle, who is ... not.)
And while I was there Dad called and told me he wants to invest in Uber Cab. Which is great, except Uber is not publicly traded. Sorry, Dad!
Okay, he's been sent off to his first day of school. Job. Whatever.
I am on the couch and not moving except for food at some point that is not now. Now is couch time.
oh lord y'all - I shopped.
Sporting Goods store had several racks of clothes on 50% off, so I got a few more workout things, plus some golf/tennis/camping clothing that I have found is just really great for wearing to outdoor events since it is so often damn hot down here.
The I went to Ulta, was better there, but still got three things. No Madame President, though, they were sold out.
Then to HomeGoods, LORD. I bought various things and coveted a ton more. I really think I want to re-decorate rooms in my house. Talk this through with me, please?
SO! It is likely that I will more in either 3 or 4 years. I will likely never live in anything larger than a 2BR place going forward and may very likely be in a 1BR. My kitchen is set - it is vintage. It will always feature pink - it could go mint green or turquoise, but pink is key. That leaves a living area and bedroom. hold please, gathering images.
This is mostly still the colors and stuff in the back living room, the one off the kitchen. It was what I had in NYC for the last 5 or so years there, so it's been the same for about 10 years. Burgandy, greens, I have dark brown furniture in there now instead of the tan. The walls are what you see there and the other two are white. Curtains on the windows on the other wall are a grey tones seafoamy green, fairly neutral.
I just made my mother pull over for a yard sale that had two chairs like this: [link] I want them SO BAD. But have (a) no real way to get them home and (b) no place to put them in my home. So.
Do you currently have chairs that you like less?
No, I currently have chairs I like as much -- actual mid-century, inherited.
I am thinking that since my living room will most likely always be off my kitchen or opening into the kitchen (or if there is a small galley kitchen, my table will be in the living area to some degree) that I should make the living room more tied to the kitchen. Not full on vintage or all pink, but make the livingroom my kitchy room. Maybe I could do it pink or partially pink?
There's already a china hutch in there featuring pink depression glass and NYC World's Fair glasses.
Not full on vintage or all pink, but make the livingroom my kitchy room. Maybe I could do it pink or partially pink?
Or aqua! But agreed, something that ties into the kitchen would make sense.
I had been thinking about doing my bedroom all pink and silver and sparkles, but I think those elements would better tie in to the kitchen. SOOO, I am going to start playing around. See what I already have and can use, what I can get rid of.
I am going stream of conscious this to you all day. Cause apparently that is what my anxiety looks like today. YOU ARE WELCOME.
First thing is moving all the bookcases into this room. 2 are still in the front room.