Survived market and errands, but I don't think I'm moving or going outside except for the pool until this heat breaks. Awful outside.
Ran into former neighbor just in town to do a few repairs before they put the house back up for rent, so that was cool.
Our 90lb dog, Gunnar loves string cheese. Anything dairy really.
Yard sale was relatively successful -- got rid of a good amount of stuff, made $100, and there were enough people who were happy with their "finds" (not just resellers). AND my across-the-street neighbor has some nonprofit coming to pick stuff up from her driveway in a few weeks, so all of our leftover stuff should be able to go there! Sweet.
Excellent job Jesse.
I have dropped Mac off, gotten myself coffee, and then just mindlessly driven around. I am about to hit up a bunch of stores in a strip mall for nothing in particular.
We're in the home stretch. I still don't feel great, but whatever. The end is in sight.
Tiny little storm cell moving over the city. Very NM-esque.
Good luck, Dana!
I feel blecky, and I am not looking forward to the 35-minute drive to dog class. I wonder if last night's mussels were maybe a bit off. ... nah, I would have gotten sick much sooner.
Go Dana, go!
Yikes, Consuela -- feel better.
Go Dana!
And now we have lightning & thunder and it took out my radio station! Uh, hope it clears by 4. Glad I didn't go to the pool early.
I put on CA:TWS, and noticed that the Smithsonian display shows Steve's weight as 250, height as 6'2". For the record? That's BMI of 30.8, "obese."
I was sort of thinking about that because my massage therapist was saying the triathlon she's doing tomorrow has a "big" category, but it's just by weight, and not that much weight, either. So someone tall and thin would fit into it, and potentially do really well in the field. My massage therapist does not find that fair.