Timelies all!
We took the little guy to his first Nationals game. Weather was nice, and the Nats won.
In other news, my car is officially declared totaled.(Got a call from the insurance guy.) Tomorrow after work I will go to the body shop and retrieve all the stuff from my car, including the plates. If they are still usable, I'll transfer the tags, as I just renewed them in January.
Aw,Sheryl. I hope dealing with all that is as easy as possible.
Impressive, Zen!
Poor Ryan.
Dang, shrift, that is a lot of travel!
So right after I last posted my Fitbit finished charging so I put it back on, only to immediately angry red uncomfortable welts on my wrist. So I took it off and took some Benadryl and lay down for a while. Not nearly as alarming now, but did not get much done. Just a little laundry, which includes putting away the clean laundry I washed last weekend, so I have more clean clothes than I expected. Winning!
Way to go, Suzi!
Flea, you can most certainly do it!
I have had no motivation. I wanted to clean up the bedroom because it looks like my closet exploded on the sitting bench, as well as the bench at the foot of the bed. And the shoes... God almighty, they exploded everywhere.
Thanks for the reminder to do laundry, -t. I suppose I'll do it tomorrow.
One more day of vacation, though I have two conference calls I have to participate in. I think I'm doing it wrong.
Ugh, conference calls while on vacation definitely does not sound right.
Ok, cats, you have worn me down. I will feed you even though the sun is still up. Treasure this victory.
Had a long and interesting convo about Baltimore's history of racism with a couple of guys at the pool who remember swimming at Druid's 'colored' pool (what they called it then)and the first time they swam in this pool when it was desegregated. I wouldn't have guessed they would have experienced that, but that past, not really that far back. It was incredible and made me want to hug the awesomeness in this city closer. In 1953, 22 years before me, we would not have been allowed to share that water. But today, we did and acknowledged that past injustice and how far we have to go still.
the flashbacks in the 2nd half of S5 Teen Wolf are horrible. horrible wigs, accents. boring boring excuse to bring back an actress.
My good eater is suddenly spitting all of her food out in disgust. Mom said I got that way at about 18 months. I guess ltc is advanced.
Go, Suzi!
I hope Ryan is feeling better, poor thing.