My sister has the twins. They are back in the US and she's with them. They called me (I'm sure making the family rounds) and I managed to hold off the hysterical sobbing until I'd told them I loved them and had missed them. Thank you all so much. I definitely needed our community to get through this.
The twins are back in the country and safe with my sister. This is a wonderful day and I'm going to keep crying because I'm so relieved.
Oh, Cass, that is SUCH good news!!!!! No joke, I just started crying, too. I'm so happy for you and your family.
Cass, this is such an incredible relief. Hysterical sobbing for joy is a perfectly appropriate response. Hugs.
Oh, Cass, what a relief! I'm so happy for them, for your sister, for you and the whole family! I'ma go breathe a little deeply for a while--wasn't aware I was holding it, a little.
Cass, I am so, so, so glad. I'm happy for all of your family. Like Beverly - I hadn't realized I was holding my breath either.
Cass, I am so fucking happy for you and your family! This is wonderful news. And amazing, I can't imagine the sense of relief.
Hooray! Such a relief, Cass!
Oh, Cass! I'm so grateful and glad!
Oh, Cass, what a relief! I'm so happy for them, for your sister, for you and the whole family! I'ma go breathe a little deeply for a while--wasn't aware I was holding it, a little.
Exactly this! I'm so happy for you and your fam, Cass!
Alternatively, if you're in a "Who's your Dada" kind of mood, you could do your vinyl in: Boomerang, Sediment, Snicker, Weeping or (seriously) Guesswork.
I want to see that home improvement show.
Yay for kids!