It's pretty much a nightmare right now. My sister is having a breakdown. And I can't have one publicly or even express my rage and my frustration and basically my helplessness on Facebook. Because that isn't what I am using Facebook for this last three weeks. It's a tool.
This is a nightmare and I just want my whole family to wake up and get group texts with pictures of their first day at school and then have the day spent with phones randomly going off because some people don't realize it's a group text and they basically replied all.
Jesus, Cass - that is a total nightmare. Your poor sister. Those poor kids! Holy shit. I'm so, so sorry.
It's so hard, Cass. Words cannot express how much I wish your family could wake up from that nightmare.
Cass , a so sorry. It is just horrible. too much
Cass, I'm so sorry that your family is going through this nightmare. You and your family are in my thoughts.
It is a nightmare, Cass. Keeping you all in my thoughts and spreading the word as best I can.
Agreed, Cass, that is a nightmare, and I'm sorry you have to be the strong one.
Months ago I sat down with my boss to ask for a raise. It finally came through and is effective this week. 5% is nice, I had asked for more, which my managers supported but HR rejected. I guess there is some company limit.
I'm happy this step is done though in notifying me, my manager forwarded the chain of e-mails with the information from HR and it shows that this all could have been done at the beginning of August, but somewhere along the line the approvals got stuck, as in someone didn't realize their approval was needed, so it sat FOR A MONTH.
Still, still, I have a job I like, good co-workers (in addition to my co-workers at home), and 5% is nothing to share a stick at.
Good news, Suzi!
I did phone screens with two candidates at the end of the day yesterday, and they have both emailed thank-you notes! Many of the young people do not bother anymore, and I really appreciate it.
Oh, good thoughts to your friend, Matt.