I saw something about that case. The campus cop part was what struck me. I didn't know campus police carried weapons, for one
It's a huge problem. I remember from when I lived in DC there are something like 27 different bodies with arrest authority, including various campus and housing authority "police". DC is probably at the far end but it goes on all over.
Think about that when you think about the already sorry state of training and professionalism that is becoming apparent of late. (Or was always apparent and is not becoming recognized.
Oh, Steph, that's...terrifying? Disturbing? Sad?
Oh yeah, DC is over the top on the number of different types of cops!
I think when I travel I'm going to stay in the protected tourist zones.
Yeah, that sounds deeply troubling, Steph.
Congrats on unexpected cookware, Zen!
Cloudburst looks lovely, shrift.
Cloudburst would go really great with white-painted wood furniture.
We're catching up on Blue Bloods, because H likes cop shows. The most recent ep was cops in search of someone who shot a cop, and I pretty much surfed Tumblr and stuffed my fingers in my ears, because, you know, how would it be if cops pursued the murder of, say, civilians, with the savagery and singlemindedness and focus they do when it's "one of us!" Honestly, the last place I would turn to for help is any Law Enforcement Organization. Thugs and mercenaries, every last one of them*. I know people join the force hoping to help people, but either they get so sick of the climate they leave, or they succumb to it and become part of the cultthink, or they're killed by their own for not "going along." Come the revolution, LEOs and lawyers, man, even before the politicians.
Beans, now. You got your Great Northerns, a little smaller than Navy beans, both white, and what you use for baked beans and pork & beans. You got your pintos, and cranberry beans, which are a pinto variation. Either white or pinto beans can be used in chili, your preference. You have your garbanzo/chickpeas, your dark and light kidney beans (yes, red beans), you got dried blackeyed peas, and field peas, you got your (large) butterbeans and (small) limas, crowder peas, several colors of lentils (pink!), and yellow and green split peas, and black beans, all of which come dried, in bags, and many of which come canned. I've had fresh limas, and they're *awesome*--frozen, canned, or dried, on the other hand, yechh. I'm sure there are many varieties I've overlooked or forgotten.
*apologies to anyone who is, or knows, or loves an LEO. This is purely my own opinion, and I don't expect any one else to agree.
Fava beans, to go with liver and Chianti, spring to mind.
There are two kinds of campus cops. Some are basically security guards. However, many universities, it looks like including UC, have POST-certified officers and are basically operating small police departments. In some states, their jurisdiction is limited to within X feet of the university; in others, they have arrest rights statewide.