Anyone ever have to print out a 200+ page website and attempt to arrange the pages in such a way that the CEO, who had never looked at it online, could review it?
Even though the entire purpose of the organization was to share information, he then wanted to take most of the information out because we were a SUPER SEKRIT organization. The fact that it could only be reached with passwords on computers in nuclear plants, and we had been sharing information on a computer network accessed from those plants for a decade or so had no affect on him. Information is only SUPER SEKRIT if it's in black-and-white (or green-and-white) text with none of that fancy stuff. He (and I) are long gone from the organization, but I still twitch occasionally from the experience.
Then there were the people who, when reviewing the copy, indicated the need for two, not one, spaces after every single sentence. That was so prevalent that I finally gave up and wrote macros that added a space before review and another that removed it.
What are people doing this weekend?
I just arrived in San Francisco!
I mention, again, the people who sent us a fax when we asked for a screenshot.
I misread that as "sent us a fox" and was momentarily stabbed by envy, because I would much rather have people send me foxes than screenshots.
I just arrived in San Francisco!
LIAR. I am right exactly here in San Francisco, and I see no Tom. Humph.
The thing that still boggles me is when we asked someone for a screenshot, and they sent an iPhone picture of their computer screen.
I believe I've mentioned the guy who "signed" a legal doc by pulling it up on his computer, affixing a Post It with his signature to the screen oner the signature line, and sending me a iPhone picture of
I had a deptartment head who kept every email open until she replied to it. So she'd have 40 emails open, plus other documents. She never shut her computer down and she never understood why it was slow.
When I was trying to help her with something (and not say For the love of all that's holy close something!!) I saw her organizational system for email. Once she replied to an email she moved it to folders by something - date or subject can't remember. EXCEPT emails with attachments. Those were saved as - Date PAPERCLIP.
She got a lot of emails with attacments that related to other emails without attachments I have no idea how she found anything.
All of the brain cells that knew how to write Word macros have since died.
Steph, I suggest you go now and make yourself a potato.
I believe I've mentioned the guy who "signed" a legal doc by pulling it up on his computer, affixing a Post It with his signature to the screen oner the signature line, and sending me a iPhone picture of that.
Still the best.
Steph, I suggest you go now and make yourself a potato.
I checked the pantry, and we have no potatoes. CRISIS IMMINENT.