Heckuva job, Scrappy.
I made it home, I have tomorrow's lunch simmering and scheduled to keep doing so for another 14ish hours. Fed the birds. I'll check the water level in my fountain and empty and reload the dishwasher and then if I still just want to go to bed maybe I will.
Oh, wait, dinner, I should probably eat some of that. Hm.
I love that Steph is making the Donald Sutherland noise at me for saying I like comic sans. It's calming and easy to read. That's all.
burn her
I know, I know.
By the way, making coffee with leftover coffee? Lotta caffeine. PSA
Dinner last night with Sparky was the awesome.
I kinda like comic sans as well. Yet again, Zen and I are one.
I was in a meeting with some Comixoloy folks a few months back, and learned that one of the common reasons they reject self-published comics is because the artists used Comic Sans instead of hiring a proper letterer.
reason they reject self-published comics is because the artists used Comic Sans
...but it says right on the label: comic sans!
Scrappy, you are a true hero.
I'm so mad at myself for not putting in my a/c. I mean, I'd have to take it out again next week to get new windows, but STILL. And now I think tonight is the last bad night? Hot.
I don't know if it's terrible or just lucky that I looked at the bit of Comic Sans and just thought "that looks different. Huh" #notafontgeek #NoStrongFeelingsOnComicSans
By the way, making coffee with leftover coffee? Lotta caffeine. PSA
Oh my. But how does it taste?
Am stuck in the middle of a bullshit three way conversation (fourway if you count the originator of the conversation) with my landlady and fellow tenant. Old tenant forwarded an email to new tenant about needing to replace the uv bulb in our water free cuz he was still on the mailing list. New tenant texted mevanoutvshsring the costs. I asked why our landlady wasn't handling this. And now I'm the go between. I'm tempted to just buy the part to not have to deal with this nonsense. I forwarded the service emails to landlady, who instead of following up from there, was waiting for a response from the new tenant and her ex husband. New tenant is all "so glad you're dealing Ruth this, off on vacation, see ya later!". If the new tenant was possessing half a brain, she would have contacted the landlady, but she claims she feels she's pissed the landlady off too much already, and threw me under the bus, leaving me acting on hearsay. Landlady should've contacted the company directly after I forwarded the official emails. But instead is asking me to reach out to them about schedules even though it was implied in their email that we were due. This is potable water issues. It should have been factored into our rent this should not be this epic game of telephone to get addressed.