Front of heart was 100% blocked! Balloon and stent in. Today we should find out if there was any permenant damage done to the heart.
How old is your uncle? Because my Dad had a 100% blockage and there was some damage to his heart, but the cardiologist said that due to his age (meaning, he was in his late 60s, not a 30-year-old who runs marathons) he wouldn't really notice any impact on his day-to-day life. Depending on your uncle's age, the same may be true for him.
msbelle, I hope your uncle recovers and there's no permanent damage. Even if there is, my dad had a major heart attack in his 50's and is still kicking at 87.
Dana, is this the true colours thing? I work with people who had to do it years ago and still become enraged when you mention it.
We're being sorted. I'm blue.
When I had to take the color personality test, analytical thinkers (like me) were green, and emotional people who got offended if you didn't engage in small talk were blue.
This is clearly a different test, shrift.
I always find it funny when they separate people into introverts and extroverts, and tell us to discuss being an introvert or extrovert. And we introverts just kind of stare at each other.
Best to your uncle, msbelle. My grandmother (who would have been 96 today!) had major heart attacks and surgery in her 60s, and had another 25 good years after, so.
You guys, I have NO motivation, but a lot of work. If you find my motivation, please shove it through the intertubes in my direction.
I am motivated to nap.
I think I took a similar test once but there was a white option for people who avoided conflict at any cost.
Tons of ~ma for your uncle, msbelle.
This is clearly a different test, shrift.
Oh, yes. I find it funny that they keep doing these color personality tests and there's no color consistency when the point if the personality test I took was to learn how to communicate effectively with the other color groups.
I was analytical thinking with leadership as a secondary, which means that I will take over this boat if I have to, but otherwise leave me alone in my corner.
Re: blue, oh I meant this in regard to the state takeover.
My uncle is 73. Unless it is major damage I am sure he will not notice anything, he is not an active person. They have taken him off oxygen thus far today. His blood pressure is down.