Thanks for putting up with me posting incessantly about apartments, you guys. I had a nice, relaxing dinner with friends, so I'm going to put down Craigslist and go to bed.
I guess there's still a unit available in this building, so I'll visit it tomorrow: [link]
Three hour personality training this morning. whoo. (No, not what it sounds like, but I'm tired.)
I can't think of an interpretation of "personality training" that's a good idea. Well, for inflicting on other people, yes.
I can only assume all the Texas Buffistas are being held in converted Wal-Marts while awaiting re-education and forced gay marriage. Hang in there, it won't be so bad once you become the 51st state. You get free Obama phones and everything. Though come to think of it, I never did get my free phone. I'll bet that's just another lie, like how nobody ever got the Unicorns that I'm sure Obama promised. This country is going down the drain.
Gud, I believe the phrase is "thanks Obamacare!"
I slept from 630 until...630. Stupid migraine. Got up only long enough to use the bathroom and dig out a heating pad for my stupid girl parts. Now I gotta do all the work I should've done yesterday, today.
But I did make it to my hair appointment! So I'm hoping it will look cute today post-cut (so hard to tell with curly hair)
We're being sorted. I'm blue.
So glad my job doesn't do that kind of thing.
Although I did just have to force someone on the party planning committee. But it's like a two-hour commitment! It's no big deal! I would do it myself, but my boss would be PISSED.
Cookie Monster is on the feeling axis, whereas I am on the thinking axis. Though I do think I'd like a cookie.