Discussion of all Marvel Cinematic Universe related movies and TV shows, including, but not limited to, the Avengers, Captain America, Agent Carter, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Daredevil, Spider-Man, Ant-Man, etc., etc., etc. ad-infinitum.
Discussion of non-MCU Marvel titles like the X-Men or the Fantastic Four is also permitted. Ties to comics may be discussed, but this is not the primary forum for comics discussion (see the Other Media thread).
Spoiler policy: For broadcast TV shows, blackfont is allowed after the show has aired on the east coast. For movies and Internet streaming shows, whitefont all plot-related discussion until it's been in wide release two weeks. Posters are encouraged to preface their posts to indicate the subject, particulary if switching subjects.
Yeah, Gemma knows her boys wouldn't have left Will behind. She may ask for details later, but having Fitz and Coulson safe is more important.
It took me a second to really figure it out when you could see Will's leg bones that he was actually dead, not just the thing looking like him.
I wonder if that's how the HYDRA "sacrifices" started: sending through a constant supply of fresh bodies for it to inhabit as the previous bodies rotted away. Otherwise, I'm having a hard time figuring out the purpose of sending people through on a regular interval when you haven't learned anything new on how to bring it back.
I wonder if that's how the HYDRA "sacrifices" started
That's a good point. I'm guessing Hydra Head must have some suspicion that's what's going on, with the use of the word sacrifice. Possibly some notes somewhere.
Commenters at The Mary Sue are referring to Lincoln as "Pikachu". This amuses me greatly, for some reason.
"How long have you been here?"
"Feels like forever."
Nicely done.
And Phil is a nerd. He sees two moons in the sky and says "Tatooine."
When Ward first meets "Will."
And Mack calling Lincoln and Joey the Power Rangers.
The number of times I shouted "SHOOT HIM IN THE HEAD!" at my teevee is a little troubling.
I was doing some serious flailing myself!
AoS: Well, they got rid of Ward...just not the actor.
Well, he does evil really well.
I got it about 2 seconds before Fitz did, just because I was going, "How would Will know all that about those ancient cities? ... Oh crap!"
And Phil is a nerd. He sees two moons in the sky and says "Tatooine."
Loved this!
Mack calling Lincoln and Joey the Power Rangers.
And this!
Can't wait to see the shenanigans from Old One!Ward!