I haven't seen so don't read it, but Dira Sudis has been writing Witcher fic.
Streaming 1: There Goes the Weekend
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
I just finished S2 of Umbrella Academy and I loved it. It's been an excellent distraction for me. I adore Klaus (even though he looks a bit like an old BF).
I wanted to watch Doom Patrol but I don't want to pay $30 for something I'm not sure I'll like and can't return.
I adore Klaus (even though he looks a bit like an old BF).
Klaus is Matilda's woobie. "My poor baby!" she cries out when he's in danger.
Eric on Sex Education is her other Woobie.
I watched both seasons of Umbrella Academy over the last couple weeks. That was fun.
Zen Could you subscribe to HBO Max or DC Universe for a month? I'm not sure what those cost but surely it's less than 30 bucks...
Hm, good idea, Gris.
Klaus is darling, but Five is my precious murder baby.
I want every one of the Handler's hats, and a lot of her clothes.
Her clothes were amazing. The friend I was watching it with kept comparing her to Moira Rose.